The Road
The road is long
And weary steps I tread
For so long, my feet felt like lead
Yet, I know where I go
And am going to be
Where the water
Meets the sky
Where my soul can fly
Away from her
It fell dark
So quickly
And losing my way
I fell
The ground was hard
And I could tell
This is not the place
I want to be
I hold your staff
In my hand
And the land before me
Seems vast
It beckons me
Yet in that expanse
That silence
Stills my voice
Bids me hear the voice of calm
Echoing after the storm
“You are not alone”
“I am with you
Hold out your hand
Place it in mine
For I am yours
And you are mine”
Hold me close
Remind me who I am
Who you are
And bid the storm in my heart